Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ten things that I enjoy about being so broke that I can’t pay the bills.

Ten things that I enjoy about being so broke that I can’t pay the bills.

  1. No TV.  When the cable is off because the bill is due the family pulls together and finds interesting things to do like board games, watch a DVD. Imagine that shared family time around a table all in one room.  Or the kids all leave to their friends house and you get alone time with your boo.  Ooh!

  1. No cash for gas?  Take a walk to the store.  The kids jabber on about their day, their concerns, their plans and you walk off the comfort food forced down your throat by depression.   You’re broke, of course you are depressed.

  1. Electricity out?  Time to enjoy those aromatherapy candles displayed colorfully and decoratively around the house.  They add a warm ambiance improving the taste of the cold sandwiches and cereal for dinner.  The power is out so you have to eat up those perishables anyway.  Make the meal a celebration.  You won’t notice the smell of the food in the fridge going bad as much either.

  1. Since the AC is out with the power it is a great time to open all the windows in the house for a fresh breeze.  Air out the rooms, spring clean, sweep out the cobwebs.  You don’t have much else to do except eat sandwiches and cereal.

  1. No gas for cooking?  That’s what a bar-b-q is for.  Get out the charcoal and the lighter fluid.  Or if you don’t have those fire starting supplies then last seasons tree trimmings that are stilled pilled up in the backyard and some siphoned gasoline will do.  Now that’s a fire!  It’s grilling time.

  1. Phone shut off?  Time to get to know the neighbors.  Or if really necessary visit family you haven’t seen since the last funeral.  The cell was shut off last week.

  1. No water is a tough one.  If you don’t already have a gym membership you might be able to get a two week visitor’s pass at the neighborhood fitness club.  At least showers will be covered and you can work of more of the depression poundage.

  1. Car payment late’s only count if it has been a few months but once you get there you might enjoy visiting local business within walking distance from home with well lit parking lots.  More walking less weight gain. 

  1. Creative cooking!  This can be fun when you have to use the grocery money to keep the lights on.  Depression Era recipe books are available at your local library.  Most of them are on bus routs.

  1. Visiting friends.  If you rotate who you visit they probably won’t get sick of seeing you.  You can watch their TV, use their bathroom drink their wine and sleep well in your quiet, dark, bedroom when you get home with your boo who is broke to.  
Jennifer Lightfoot :0

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